Voted #1 Trusted Family Dentist!
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Yes, we are OPEN for all your dental emergencies!

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What We Treat

  • Toothache Pain
  • Broken or Knocked Out Teeth
  • Tooth Extractions
  • Mouth or Tooth Infections
  • Abscessed Teeth and more
15331 W Bell Rd #204, Surprise AZ 85374
Let's eliminate your tooth pain & get you back to feeling 100%!

Dental Emergencies

What is a Dental Emergency?

Knowing when to seek emergency medical care is often clear, but recognizing a dental emergency can be more challenging. Any oral issue causing significant pain or discomfort that you cannot manage on your own qualifies as a dental emergency. This includes situations like a loose tooth, a knocked-out tooth, or severe tooth pain. Immediate attention from our doctors at Breez Dental can make all the difference in saving your tooth and alleviating your pain.

Toothache Pain

Persistent toothaches lasting more than a day or two may indicate an infection, possibly requiring a root canal. Untreated, the infected tooth can die, necessitating extraction and replacement with a bridge, denture, or implant. Contact Breez Dental for an emergency appointment if you experience severe pain, tooth discoloration, gum sensitivity, or fever.

Broken or Knocked Out Tooth

For a knocked-out tooth, or avulsed tooth, time is crucial. Teeth must be reimplanted within 1-2 hours to prevent rejection. Follow these steps: call Breez Dental immediately, recover the tooth by holding it by the crown, rinse it gently, and try to place it back into the socket or store it in cold milk. Apply gauze or cotton to control bleeding and visit us as soon as possible for the best chance of saving the tooth.

Loose Tooth

If you notice a loose adult tooth, seek help from Breez Dental immediately. Loose teeth can result from injuries, such as falls or impacts during sports, requiring splinting and stabilization to ensure proper reattachment to your jaw and gum tissue. Loose teeth may also indicate untreated periodontal disease, necessitating thorough cleaning and possibly oral surgery to restore gum health and secure the tooth root.

Chipped/Cracked/Damaged Tooth

Even minor chips or cracks can be dental emergencies, as they weaken enamel and risk pulp infection. If your tooth is damaged due to an accident or biting a hard object, visit us immediately. Control bleeding with gauze or cotton and apply an ice pack externally for pain relief. Over-the-counter pain medications like Tylenol or Motrin can also help until you reach our office.

Damaged or Pulled-Out Filling/Crown

Fillings and crowns can become dislodged by eating sticky foods or due to wear. Save the filling or crown in a plastic bag or container and schedule an emergency visit. The exposed enamel beneath is susceptible to damage and decay, so prompt treatment at Breez Dental can prevent further issues and avoid more invasive and costly procedures.

Frequently Asked

What constitutes a dental emergency?

A dental emergency includes any situation causing severe pain or discomfort that cannot be managed at home, such as loose or knocked-out teeth, severe toothaches, or damaged dental work.

How soon should I seek help for a knocked-out tooth?

Knocked-out teeth should be reimplanted within 1-2 hours. Contact Breez Dental immediately for the best chance of saving your tooth.

What should I do if my filling or crown falls out?

Save the filling or crown in a plastic bag and schedule an emergency appointment with Breez Dental to avoid further damage and decay.

Can a minor tooth chip be a dental emergency?

Yes, even minor chips can weaken enamel and lead to pulp infection. Visit Breez Dental promptly to address the damage and prevent complications.

How can I manage a severe toothache until my appointment?

Use gauze to control bleeding, apply an ice pack externally, and take over-the-counter pain medications like Tylenol or Motrin until you can visit Breez Dental.

What are the signs of a tooth infection?

Signs include persistent pain, tooth discoloration, sensitivity to heat and pressure, and fever. Seek emergency care from Breez Dental if you experience these symptoms.

No insurance? No problem!

Click below to learn about our comprehensive Membership Plan

Breez Dental is a FAMILY owned private practice striving to deliver your BEST dental experience yet!

Emegency Dental Near Me

We are here and OPEN for you! Accepting walk-in emergency appointments and ALL emergency dental procedures, including those to address your tooth pain, toothache, tooth extractions, infected teeth, abscessed tooth, and broken tooth treatment! Eliminate your oral pain and discomfort by calling TODAY!

CALL or TEXT us now!

Same Day Treatment

Chipped, cracked, or broken teeth? We can help by giving you a temporary tooth crown or tooth cap. Don’t let your dental emergencies stand in the way of a big event! Receive SAME-DAY treatment to renew that beautiful, natural smile.

Need a front tooth crown, temporary crown, or perhaps a root canal and crown? Avoid the embarassment of a missing tooth and let us help you get your smile back!

Sedation Dentistry

Many people suffer from dental FEAR and ANXIETY, which keeps them from attending regularly scheduled dental appointments. This neglect turns into much larger, more complex dental problems, many times causing dental emergenices such as EXTREME dental pain and discomfort. That’s why we offer sedation dentistry! With laughing gas or oral conscious sedation, the fear and anxiety simply MELTS away leaving you feeling RELAXED and CALM throughout your entire appointment. Don’t let your dental PHOBIA get in the way of a healhtier mouth! Call us today, your new sedation dentist, to discuss your sedation options and schedule that dental appointment you’ve been putting off!

Calm. Relaxing. Tranquil.

At Breez Dental, we understand how difficult and stressful an emergency dental visit can be. Our goal is to ensure you’re able to unwind and feel COMFORTABLE during every aspect of your appointment. So go ahead! Sit back, RELAX, and enjoy your favorite TV show, movie, or song via our COMPLIMENTARY suite of patient amenities, including blankets, pillows, and noise cancelling headphones. We promise you’ve never EXPERIENCED a dental appointment like this before!

Dental Insurance

Breez Dental accepts most insurance PPO plans to accomodate as many patients as possible. However, if you don’t have insurance don’t worry! Our membership plan and flexible financing options provide for convenient, low monthly payments. Money should never be a barrier to a healthier, pain-free mouth!

* Not all in-network dental insurances are listed. Please contact us to confirm your insurance is accepted.

Emergency Dental Clinic Location